Last winter, New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney visited the Arc Stepping Stones School in Essex County. A strong advocate for children with disabilities, Senator Sweeney has been supportive of changes to funding that would direct more resources to school districts as they work to serve students with severe and complex disabilities whose costs are considered to be “Extraordinary.”

We share this now because ASAH helped to lead a coalition of advocates and professional organizations seeking additional funding for Extraordinary Aid. And in late September, when the budget was signed, it included $25M in Extraordinary Special Education Aid. This represents a 10% increase over the 2019-2020 total appropriation of $250 million. In its testimony to the Senate and Assembly budget committees ASAH had urged the Legislature to increase special education funding.

Why does this matter? When local school district have the resources, they need to make placement decisions that are in the best interest of the student – and without undue concern for the fiscal issues – students benefit!